Onboarding ERC20 tokens to ZeppelinOS
This guide covers the migration of a regular ERC20 token to an upgradeable version of itself. During this process, the original contract (to be called "legacy") and the new contract, which will have the ability of being upgradeable, will coexist.
The new upgradable contract will have the same functionality provided by the legacy contract, but it will be upgradable. This means that we will be able to add new functionality, store new data, fix bugs or support new standards as many times as we need, without any need to perform new migrations in the future.
This strategy is based on an optional migration of the token balances. This migration is performed and paid by the token holders. The new upgradeable token contract starts with no initial supply and no balances. The only way to "mint" the new tokens is for users to "turn in" their old ones. This is done by first approving the amount they want to migrate, and then calling a function of the upgradeable token to carry out the migration. The old tokens are sent to a burn address, and the holder receives an equal amount in the new token contract.
This proposal is based on one of the two strategies explored by the ZeppelinOS dev team. To read more about them please visit our labs repository.
This on-boarding plan considers the following assumptions:
- There is an already deployed token contract that follows the ERC20 standard.
- The legacy token contract is not frozen or paused, so token holders can trade it.
Onboarding plan demo
The central idea of this proposal is to deploy an upgradeable version of your token, using the ZeppelinOS command line tool. To do so, we will use a migration contract provided by the OpenZeppelin standard library for ZeppelinOS.
To better describe this plan we will use a sample project you can follow and clone from here.
Caveat: The migration contract is not yet released in the OpenZeppelin stdlib, but will be soon. In the meantime, the sample repository we will use includes such implementation to make things easier for the demonstration. You will see a
contract inside the contracts folder.
We will now setup a local environment to demo the onboarding plan. To do this, we will deploy a sample legacy token contract and mint some balances. If you wish to work with your already deployed token, you can skip the following lines and jump directly to the step 1.
In the sample repository you will find a contract called MyLegacyToken
that we will use to simulate a real scenario locally. As you can see, this token will mint 100 tokens to the owner once
initialized just for testing purpose.
Before we begin, remember to install the dependencies running npm install
. Additionally, you should check everything
is working as expected by running the test files with npm test
Now, let's deploy the legacy token. We will use a truffle development console. You can start it by running
npx truffle develop
. Then, run the following commands:
truffle(develop)> compile
truffle(develop)> owner = web3.eth.accounts[1]
truffle(develop)> MyLegacyToken.new('MyToken', 'MTK', 18, { from: owner }).then(i => legacyToken = i)
truffle(develop)> legacyToken.address
Keep track of the owner
and legacyToken
addresses, we will need them in the following steps.
You can check the owner balance by running:
truffle(develop)> legacyToken.balanceOf(owner)
BigNumber { s: 1, e: 0, c: [ 100 ] }
Remember not to close this console, as we will be using it later.
1. Initialize your migration project with ZeppelinOS
If you haven't installed the ZeppelinOS CLI, run the following command in your terminal:
npm install --global zos
To initialize this project with ZeppelinOS, open a terminal and run the following line:
zos init my-token-migration 1.0.0
We have just initialized a new ZeppelinOS project. A new zos.json
file should have been created.
Next, we will have to modify the legacy token contract to get the new upgradeable version of it where the current balances are going to be migrated.
In our sample project, you will find another contract called MyUpgradeableToken
which is the upgradeable version of the sample legacy token contract MyLegacyToken
import "./openzeppelin-zos/MigratableERC20.sol";
import "openzeppelin-zos/contracts/token/ERC20/DetailedERC20.sol";
import "openzeppelin-zos/contracts/token/ERC20/StandardToken.sol";
contract MyUpgradeableToken is MigratableERC20, StandardToken, DetailedERC20 {
function initialize(ERC20 _legacyToken, string _name, string _symbol, uint8 _decimals)
isInitializer("MyUpgradeableToken", "1.0.0")
DetailedERC20.initialize(_name, _symbol, _decimals);
function _mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) internal {
require(_to != address(0));
totalSupply_ = totalSupply_.add(_amount);
balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_amount);
emit Transfer(address(0), _to, _amount);
On one hand, we are inheriting from the MigratableERC20
contract provided by the OpenZeppelin stdlib which provides
all the migration functionality we will need. The MigratableERC20
contract requires the implementation to define an
internal minting function. In this case we are defining one following the StandardToken
contract. However, this
function will be provided built-in in the upcoming version of OpenZeppelin.
On the other hand, it is very important to replicate all the information and functionality that was provided by the
legacy token. In this case, we are inheriting from the StandardToken
contract provided by the OpenZeppelin stdlib to
replicate all the functionality of an ERC20 token. And additionally, we are defining an initializer to handle the
token metadata.
Initializers are the way to define constructor functionality for upgradeable contracts in ZeppelinOS. The isInitializer
modifier will make sure your initialize
method can only be called once in the whole lifetime of your contract. To
read more about this, please go to the following section
Notice that all the contracts from openzeppelin-zos
have been adapted for ZeppelinOS compatibility, and should be the
ones used when dealing with upgradeable contracts.
Besides allowing us to build upgradeable applications, ZeppelinOS provides on-chain standard libraries. To use an stdlib
in our project, we simply need to use the link
command giving the name of the npm package of the stdlib we want to use.
In this case, we will link OpenZeppelin stdlib to be able to use the contracts it provides in our project:
zos link openzeppelin-zos@1.9.1
Finally we can add our upgradeable token contract to the project:
zos add MyUpgradeableToken
Great, our project has been linked to the OpenZeppelin stdlib and our MyUpgradeableToken
has been added.
2. Deploy the upgradeable token
The first thing we have to do is to deploy our contract source code. We will also need to deploy a copy of the OpenZeppelin stdlib since we will be working on a local environment. To do so, run the following command:
zos push -n local --deploy-stdlib
We have just deployed the MyUpgradeableToken
source code and the OpenZeppelin stdlib to the local
network. A new
file should have been created.
Now, let's create a new instance of the upgradeable token using ZeppelinOS. Run the following line, replacing
with the address of the legacy token contract:
zos create MyUpgradeableToken --args LEGACY_TOKEN_ADDRESS -n local
Save the upgradeable token address outputted by this command, we will need it later.
Note that the proxies
section of zos.local.json
should now include the following, as ZeppelinOS is tracking the
proxy we have just created:
"proxies": {
"MyUpgradeableToken": [
"address": "0x...",
"version": "1.0.0",
"implementation": "0x..."
3. Migrate your old token balance
In order to migrate your balance, go back to the truffle develop console if you have deployed your legacy token locally
or open a new one against the network where your legacy token is deployed. Then, run the following commands, replacing
with the proxy address returned by zos create
command of the previous step:
truffle(develop)> upgradeableToken = MyUpgradeableToken.at('UPGRADEABLE_TOKEN_ADDRESS')
truffle(develop)> legacyToken.balanceOf(owner).then(b => balance = b)
truffle(develop)> legacyToken.approve(upgradeableToken.address, balance, { from: owner })
truffle(develop)> upgradeableToken.migrate({ from: owner })
We can now check your balance of the legacy token:
truffle(develop)> legacyToken.balanceOf(owner)
BigNumber { s: 1, e: 0, c: [ 0 ] }
Also the burned balance:
truffle(develop)> legacyToken.balanceOf('0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead')
BigNumber { s: 1, e: 0, c: [ 100 ] }
And the upgradeable token balance:
truffle(develop)> upgradeableToken.balanceOf(owner)
BigNumber { s: 1, e: 0, c: [ 100 ] }
Your legacy token has been migrated to an upgradeable token!