Using the ZeppelinOS programmatic library
ZeppelinOS has a JavaScript library. It is mainly used by the zos
command-line interface, which is the recommended way to use ZeppelinOS; but
this library can also be used directly to operate ZeppelinOS projects when a
programmatic interface is preferred or more flexibility and lower-level
access is required.
Install Node and NPM
Let's install Node.js and npm, which are the dependencies to get started. On their respective websites you will find specific instructions for your machine.
Setting up your project
We'll need to create a directory for our project and access it:
mkdir my-project
cd my-project
Use npm
to create a package.json
npm init
This command will ask you for details about the project. For this very basic guide you can just press enter to accept the default values of each field.
Next, we need to install Truffle. To do so, run the following command:
npm install truffle@5.0.4
Now, initialize the project as a Truffle project with:
npx truffle init
And make sure that you have the local network configured:
module.exports = {
networks: {
local: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 9545,
gas: 5000000,
gasPrice: 5e9,
network_id: '*'
We'll be using ganache for local deployment, so let's install it:
npm install --global ganache-cli
Now, install the ZeppelinOS JavaScript library running:
npm install zos-lib
That's it! Our project is now fully set up for using ZeppelinOS programmatically.
Adding some contracts
Now, let's write two simple contracts. The first in contracts/MyContractV0
with the following contents:
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
import "zos-lib/contracts/Initializable.sol";
contract MyContractV0 is Initializable {
uint256 public value;
function initialize(uint256 _value) initializer public {
value = _value;
The second in contracts/MyContractV1
, and it will be almost the same as the
first one but with one extra function:
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
import "zos-lib/contracts/Initializable.sol";
contract MyContractV1 is Initializable {
uint256 public value;
function initialize(uint256 _value) initializer public {
value = _value;
function add(uint256 _value) public {
value = value + _value;
The V1 contract is an upgrade for the V0 contract, so let's see how we can use the ZeppelinOS library to apply this upgrade. For this, we need to compile the contracts:
Compiling the contracts
npx truffle compile
Running the script
And now, let's write our upgrading script in index.js
'use strict';
// Required by zos-lib when running from truffle
global.artifacts = artifacts;
global.web3 = web3;
const { Contracts, SimpleProject, ZWeb3 } = require('zos-lib')
// Load the contract.
const MyContractV0 = Contracts.getFromLocal('MyContractV0');
const MyContractV1 = Contracts.getFromLocal('MyContractV1');
async function main() {
// Instantiate a project.
const initializerAddress = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[1];
const project = new SimpleProject('MyProject', { from: initializerAddress } );
console.log('Creating an upgradeable instance of V0...');
const proxy = await project.createProxy(MyContractV0, { initArgs: [42] })
console.log('Contract\'s storage value: ' + (await proxy.methods.value().call()).toString() + '\n');
console.log('Upgrading to v1...');
const instance = await project.upgradeProxy(proxy.address, MyContractV1, { initMethod: 'add', initArgs: [1], initFrom: initializerAddress })
console.log('Contract\'s storage new value: ' + (await instance.methods.value().call()).toString() + '\n');
// For truffle exec
module.exports = function(callback) {
main().then(() => callback()).catch(err => callback(err))
As you can see on the code, this script was prepared to be executed with Truffle. So let's open a new terminal and start a ganache network by running:
ganache-cli --port 9545
And then, execute the script using Truffle:
npx truffle exec index.js --network local
This is just a very simple example to show the basic functions of the ZeppelinOS JavaScript library. You can find more examples in the ZeppelinOS repository.